

  疑問詞(who, whom, whose, what, which, where, why, when, how)可以領導主語、賓語和表語從句。
  For example:
  Do you know whom they are looking for? 你了解他們在找誰嗎?(賓語從句,陳說語序。不克不及是whom are they looking for?)
  I don’t know who did it. 我不了解這是誰幹的。(賓語從句。在從句中假如疑問詞作主語,其陳說語序和疑問語序分歧。)
  She asked me where I had been. 她問我到哪兒往瞭。(賓語從句。陳說語序,不克不及是where had I been. 直接引語,直接引語。註意這句話的時態。)
  Can you tell me when the train will arrive? 你能告知我火車什麼時辰到嗎?(賓語從句。陳說語序,不克不及是when will the train arrive. 直接引語,直接引語。)
  I don’t know why he hasn’t come yet. 我不了解他為什麼還沒來。(賓語從句,陳說語序。不克不及是why hasn’t he come yet.)
  He didn’t tell me what you were doing. 他沒和我說你在幹什麼。(賓語從句,陳說語序。不克不及是what were you doing.)
  What you have done might do harm t other people. 你所做過的工作有能夠損害他人。(主語從句。what 作從句的賓語。陳說語序,不克不及是what have you done. 假如用疑問語序,意思產生瞭變更,成瞭“你做瞭什麼?”。)
  I don’t know where he is now. 我不了解他此刻在哪裡。(賓語從句,陳說語序。不克不及是where is he now.)
  Where he went for his weekend is not known. 不了解他往哪裡過的周末。(主語從句,where 作從句的地址狀語。陳說語序,不克不及是where did he go for his weekend.)
  Whose fault this is is not important. 這是誰的錯誤並不主要。(主語從句,whose 作從句的定語。陳說語序,不克不及是whose fault is this.)
  What I want to know is where he has gone for his weekend. 我想了解的是他到哪裡度周末往瞭。(這句話包括兩個名詞性從句:what I want to know是主語從句,what 在從句中作賓語,從句用陳說語序,不克不及是What do I want to kno包養w. Where he has gone for his weekend 是表語從句,where 在從句中作狀語,從句用陳說語序,不克不及是where has he gone for his weekend.)
  1.that 領導主語從句時,that 沒有興趣義,但不克不及省略。(that 領導賓語從句時可以省略。)
  For example:
  It worried her a bit that her hair was turning gray. 她的頭發正在變白,這使她很不安。that領導主語從句,it 作情勢主語,that 不克不及省略。
  That she is a rich woman is known to us包養網 all. 眾所周知,她是個富有的女人。這是that 領導主語從句,that 不克不及省略。這句話可以改為用it 作情勢主語的句型。請同窗們改寫:It is known to us all that she is a rich woman.)
  We didn’t know (that) you had sold your house. 我們不了解你曾經把你的屋子賣瞭。這是that領導賓語從句,that 可以省略。註意這句話的時態。
  2.從句作主語時,大都情形下由 it 作情勢主語,而把主語從句放在前面,尤其是謂語部門(包含賓語)較短的情形下。
  For example:
  It wasn’t very clear what she meant. 不明白她是什麼意思。
  It is important that he should come on time. 他按時來是很主要的。
  It is true that that man on the left is a well-known writer here. 右邊阿誰人是當地的一位有名作傢,這是真的。這裡,第一個包養網站that 領導主語從句,是純真的連詞,無詞義,不作句子成分。第二個that 是唆使代詞,作句子成分,是man 的定語。
  3.whether 既可以領導主語從句也可以領導賓語從句包養網,但if不克不及領導主語從句。whether 前面可以加or not, 而if 不克不及與or not 連用。作介詞賓語時不長期包養消if.
  For example:
  Whether I knew John doesn’t matter. = It doesn’t matter whether I knew John. 我能否熟悉約翰沒有關系。
  Whether or not she’ll come isn’t clear. = Whether she’ll come or not isn’t clear. = It isn’t clear whether …. 她能否來還不明白。
  It all depends on whether we can get their cooperation. 這是主語從句仍是賓語從句?it 是情勢主語嗎?it 是代詞,whether 領導的是賓語從句,作介詞on 的賓語,不克不及用if領導。請翻譯這包養網dcard句話。這完整取決於我們能否能獲得他們的一起配合。
  I worry about whethe包養網r I hu台灣包養網rt her feelings. 賓語從句,介詞賓語,不克不及用if 領導。請翻譯這句話。
  She asked 包養網me whether/if you were married. 包養價格ptt賓語從句,既可以用whether, 又可以用if 領導。註意時態的對應。請翻譯這句話。
  We haven’t decided whether/if we shall give them aid.
  I’m not sure whether/if the report is believable.
  Now let’s do some translation:
  It is still hard to predict who will win the next presidential election.
  Who will become the president doesn’t matter much to most citizens.
  這位前總統能否會被判正法刑還有待察看。It remains to be seen whether the ex-president will be sentenced to death.
  It is a pity that Prof. Wang can’t attend our English Evening.
  What we need is more time.
  在謂語動詞、介詞、動詞不定式、分詞、動名詞之後都可以帶有賓語從句。某些描述詞如sure, happy, glad, certain, pleased 等之後也可以帶有賓語從句
  1.that 領導的賓語從句: that 沒有興趣義,在白話或非正式體裁中常省略:如:
  I really feel she’s making a mistake. 我簡直覺得她首犯過錯。
  James said (that) he was feeling better. 詹姆斯說他覺得好些瞭。
  Hearing that his son was badly wounded, he hurried to the hospital to see him. 傳聞兒子受瞭輕傷,他匆忙趕到病院往探望他。
  I suggested that we should go home. 我提出我們回傢往。虛擬語氣,that 普通不克不及省略。
  2.whether/if (能否)領包養網ppt導的賓語從句:假如要凸起“畢竟是…仍是包養網評價不…”,常在whether 前面加or not; if 普通不與or not連用。如:
  He asked me if/whether I knew John. 他問我能否熟悉約翰。
  Let me know whether you can come or not. 你能來仍包養網是不克不及來,告知我一聲。
  3.在think, believe, suppose, expect 等動詞的賓語從句中,否認不消在從句中,而是將think 等詞變為否認情勢。
  For example:
  I don’t think the film is interesting. 我感到這部片子沒什麼意思。
  I don’t suppose we are going outing tomorrow. 我以為我們今天不會出往遠足。
  4.假如從句作賓語爾後面還有補語,為瞭堅持句子的均衡,用it 作情勢賓語,而將賓語從句放在句尾。常跟如許的復合賓語的動詞有:make, find, see, hear, feel, think, consider, regard, take….for granted等。如:
  George made it clear that he opposed this project. 喬治已明白表現他否決這個項目。it 代表that 領導的句子,作賓語,clear 是賓語補足語。
  They kept it quiet that he was dead. 對他曾經逝世亡的新聞,他們秘而不洩。
  I took it for granted that you’d stay with us. 我想當然以為你會和我們呆在一路。
  C 同位語從句
  同位語從句是對名詞的內在的事務賜與詳細、具體的闡明。常在前面接同位語從句的名詞有fact, news, idea, truth, hope, suggestion, question, problem, doubt, fear, belief等。同位語從句常用的領導詞為that,有是也用when, where 等疑問詞。如:
  The news that the United States was hit by terrorist attacks took the whole world包養 by surprise. 美國遭到可怕主義分子襲擊的新聞令全世界受驚。
  The idea that you can do this work well without thinking is quite wrong. 你以為不動頭腦就能做好這件任務的設法是完整過錯的。
  People used to hold the belief that the earth was the center of the universe. 人們曾以為地球是宇宙的中間。
  The difficulty lies in the fact that we are short of money. 艱苦在於我們缺少資金這個現實。
  They have no idea at all where he has gone. 他們一點兒也不了解他往哪兒瞭。
  註意:同位語從句的that 隻是領導詞,沒有其他語法感化,在句子中不作句子成分,不克不及省略;而定語從句中的that 除瞭領導定語從句外,仍是定語從句的一個成分,在定語從句中作主語或賓語,作主語時不克不及省略,作賓語時可以省略。如:
  The idea that some peoples are superior to others is sheer nonsense. 有些平易近族優勝於其他平易近族這種設法的確荒誕。(請分辨是同位語從句仍是定語從句。)(同位語從句)
  The idea that he proposed at the meeting is sheer nonsense. 他在會議上提出的這個設法的確荒誕。(請分辨是同位語從句仍是定語從句。)(定語從句)
  No one is happy with the fact that he found out. 沒有人對他發明的現實覺得興奮。(請分辨是同位語從句仍是定語從句。)(定語從句)
  No one is happy with the fact that he will become their boss. 沒有人對他將成為他們的老板這一現實覺得興奮。(請分辨是同位語從句仍是定語從句。)(同位語從句)
  That’s not what I want. 那不是我要的。
  That’s why I have come. 那就是包養網我為什麼來瞭。
  My opinion is that things will improve. 我的看法是工作會好起來的。
  One advantage of solar energy is that it will never run out. 太陽能的一個長處是永遠也不會乾涸。
  The truth is that he didn’t really try. 現實情形是他沒有真正盡力。
  The problem is who is to pay and when we can start. 題目是誰來付帳、我們又何時開端。
  The fact is包養網 that he didn’t notice the car until too late. 現實是他註意到車時曾經太晚瞭。
  What surprised me was that he spoke English so well. 使我覺得受驚的是他英語講得那麼好。
  All I can say is that I have nothing to do with it. 我能說的就是我與此事沒有關系。
  What I want to know is where we shall 包養go and whether she will join us. 我想了解的是我們要往什麼處所以及她能否參加我們。
  The fact is包養網心得 that he didn’t notice the car until too late. 現實是他註意到車時曾經太晚瞭。
  What surprised me was that he spoke English so well. 使我覺得受驚的是他英語講得那麼好。
  All I can say is that I have nothing to do with it. 我能說的就是我與此事沒有關系。
  What I want to know is where we shall go and whether she will join us. 我想了解的是我們要往什麼處所以及她能否參加我們。
  此外,表語從句還可由as if (似乎)領導。如:
  It looked as if it was/were going to rain. (虛擬語氣)
  Now let’s do some translation:
包養app  這就是她昨天請一天假的緣由
  That is why she had a day off yesterday.
  My idea is that individual rights should be fully respected.
  The question is whether the God really exists.
  What I包養網單次 want to know is how he managed to complete the project in such a short time.
  描述詞後的that 從句
  that 領導的名詞性從句還可以用在一些描述詞前面。這種句型普通都用人作主語,所用的描述詞都是表現思惟狀態或情感顏色的描述詞,如certain, sure, positive, afraid, convinced, anxious, disappointed, worried, glad, happy, sorry, amazed, surprised, aware, doubtful, confident等等。如:
  I am sure/certain that he’s at home now. 我確定他此刻在傢
  He 短期包養became angry that you made the same mistake. 你犯瞭異樣的過錯,他賭氣瞭。
  He remains confident that he will win. 他依然自負他會贏
  She is aware that I can’t help her. 她了解我幫不瞭她的忙。
  I am glad that you’ve come. 你來瞭我很興奮。
  He appeared/seemed surprised that I said “no”. 我說不,他似乎很受驚。
  I am afraid that I can’t promise you anything. 生怕我不克不及向你包管什麼。
  We were rather disappointed that you were not able to come yesterday. 昨天你沒能來我們有點掃興。
  I am a bit worried that she will not be a包養網pptble to make it. 我有點煩惱她做不成這件工作。
  what 從句包養妹的小結
  1.意思是“所….的事/物”, 相當於the thing(s) that…, that which…, 或those which… 可以用於以下情形:
  (1) 領導主語從包養網句。如:
  What she saw frightened her. 她看到的工作嚇瞭她一跳。
  What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality. 已經被以為不成能的工作,此刻曾經釀成瞭現實。
  What I’m afraid of is their taking him to that place. 我怕的是他們帶他到那處所往。What we are worrying about is just her innocence. 我們煩惱的是她的老練。
  But what hurt our feelings most was the personal comment of the judge. 最傷我們情包養感的是法官的暗裡評論。
  What will be, will be. 要產生的事老是要產生的。(諺語)
  What is gone is gone. 曩昔的事就曩昔瞭。
  (2) 領導表語從句。如:
  That’s what I hope. 那就是我盼望的。
  I should like to be a teacher. That’s what I want to be. 我想當教員,那是我想幹的事。
  Times are not what they used to be. 時期分歧瞭。
  He’s not what he was a few years ago. 他不是幾年前的他瞭。
  Your health is not what it ought to be. 你的身材應當更好。
  (3) 領導賓語從句,包含介詞賓語。如:
  He could not express what he felt. 他不克不及表達他的感觸感染。
  Well, I’ll do what I can. 好吧,我努力。
  I can’t do what you’ve just asked of me. 我不克不及做你適才請求我的事。
  And having got what he wanted, he took his hat and went away. 獲得瞭他要的工具,他拿上帽子就走瞭。
  As a friend of yours, I want to tell you what I hear. 作為你的伴侶,我想告知你我所聽到的。
  The father began to criticize what the boy had done. 父親開端批駁男孩所做的事。(註意時態)
  She was not happy at what he had said. 她對他說的話不興奮
  Don’t poke your nose into what doesn’t concern you. 不要多管閑事
  The city is different from what it was ten years ago. 這座城市和十年前分歧瞭。
  It was a smal包養網l place then compared to what it is now. 和此刻比起來,它那時辰是個小處所。
  The father began to criticize what the boy had done. 父親開端批駁男孩所做的事。(註意時態)
  She was not happy at what he had said. 她對他說的話不興奮。
  Don’t poke your nose into what do包養網esn’t concern you. 不要多管閑事。
  The city is different from what it was ten years ago. 這座城市和十年前分歧瞭。
  It was a small place then compared to what it is now. 和此刻比起來,它那時辰是個小處所。
  I don’t care about money or what people call position. 我不在乎金錢或許他人所謂的位置。
  Philip was depressed by what he had gone through. Philip經過的事況過的工作使他很低沉。
  They paid fifty percent of what they were able to earn to the state. 他們能掙來的工具,百分之五十交給瞭國傢。
  Then I discovered, what was news to me, that his wife was Mary’s niece. 之後我發明,他老婆本來是Mary的侄女,這對我是個消息。
  He never joined i包養n the usual sports of the boys, and, what is remarkable, never went out in a boat on the river. 他歷來不餐與加入男孩子凡是做的體育運動,更希奇的是,他歷來不坐船出往到河下面往。
  He’s an interesting speaker, and, what is more important, he knows his subject thoroughly. 他講話活潑風趣,更主要的是,他對課題洞若觀火。
  He went to the meeting and, what was worse, insisted on speaking. 他往餐與加入瞭會議,並且更蹩腳的是,他保持要講話
  It is a useful book, and, what is more, not an 包養expensive one. 這是本很有效的書,再說也不貴。
  You’ll have nobody but yourself to blame, and, what’s more, you’ll get no sympathy from anybody. 你怪不著他人,隻能怪你包養價格本身;還有,你得不就任何人的同情。
  We invited a new speaker and, what’s more, he was happy to come. 我們請到瞭一位新的講話人,並且他很甘願答應來
  Do what she would, she could not invent a reason for not going. 不論她會做什麼,她都編不出不往的來由。狀語從句把實義動詞放在句首,句子倒裝。=No matter what she would do, …
  Come what may, you’ll always keep it secret. 無論如何,你都要守舊機密。=No matter what may come, ….
包養留言板  Jack has made up his mind that, come what might, he would stay there. Jack曾經打定主意,無論若何他也要呆在那邊。=…no matter what might come, …
  Say what he will, in his heart he knows that he is wrong. 不論他怎樣說,心坎裡他了解本身錯瞭。= No matter what he will say.



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